by marikiscrycrycry

27 November | Showroom Big Space | 8pm | £8/£10

Performers: Malik Nashad Sharpe and Kam Wan

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$elfie$ is the third performance work in a series built around the ontologies of Black and Queer aesthetics against our current political moment.

Operating with an expanded and leaky choreographic proposition, $elfie$ reneges the imprints of the contemporary moment and places them in high-relief. In full view, it suggests another world that looks at/away from and fiercely transverses the emotional landscapes of allostatic load (the wear and tear of the body due to repeated stress) alongside unabashed, unapologetic joyousness, the advent of political melancholia and ambivalence to extreme forms of desire and violence.

An unraveling work, $elfie$ holds the mirror to the audience and at the same time extricates itself into an existential and resistant aesthetic force–and the force says no to authoritarianism’s stranglehold on our present and future aesthetics.

Marikiscrycrycry is Malik Nashad Sharpe’s choreographic project. $elfie$ has been commissioned by Fierce and The Marlborough Pub and Theatre, Brighton and supported by Arts Council England’s Grants for the Arts and Diverse Actions with additional support from Chisenhale Dance Space.

“a raw portrait of black, queer identity and politics”Exeunt 

Choreography: marikiscrycrycry 
Performers: Malik Nashad Sharpe and Kam Wan
Creative Director: Shaheeda Sinclair 
Make Up: Robyn Fitzsimons
Producer: Giulia Casalini 
Creative Director: Shaheeda Sinclair 
Set Design: Sisters From Another Mister 
Dramaturgy: Martin Hargreaves  
Video Director and Editor: Kassandra Powell 
Video Music: Caramelo – Wassermann youtu.be/Ve8o7QdbOi8 | instagram.com/shallow.melo/
