Easy Rollerz

Wednesdays | 10-10.45am Babies, 11am-12pm Tots | Donate if you can
Term-time only.

Get your mid week pick-me-up with this injection of joy! Easy Rollerz is a weekly hang out for babies, toddlers and their adults. Featuring soft play for the little ones and rejuvenating rhythms from DJ Emilia Harmony for you! Plus free tea & coffee.

10 – 10.45am For babies under 1/pre-walkers
11am – 12pm For toddlers aged 1-2 years olds
Please arrive at the start of your session to avoid congestion in the lobby.

Easy Rollerz is purely funded by your donations, so please donate what you can to keep us going. If you are a family that is able to manage your basic needs and have expendable income, we kindly ask you not to book a free spot.

Book one ticket per family. Please note this is for families & primary carers only and not for nursery or childminding groups.