Festival 41 – Thursday 19 May

Please note that the first performance programmed takes place at Queen Mary, University of London in Mile End. The rest of the programme will take place at Hackney Showroom

11am – 8pm | one of the greatest elegies in the english language | RR2, QMUL
[Macalister’s boy took one of the fish and cut a square out of its side to bait his hook with. The mutilated body (it was alive still) was thrown back into the sea.]
By Michael Green.

5pm – 7pm | Reminiscence | Studio
Live, forget, relive, repeat
Performed by Keita Ikeda.
(Please note that this is a durational performance. Audience are invited to come and go at leisure)

6pm – 6:15pm | Welcome to AA | Russett Room
Join AA. Learn what it means to be free.
Performed by Daniela Hirshova.

7pm – 7:15pm | When Death Us Do Part | Big Space
A big thing or a small, the winner takes it all.
Performed by Peter Walker.

7:30 – 7:45 | Story of a refugee | Studio
A true story of a refugee and the journey from war to opportunity and peace.
Performed by Milica Opacic.

8pm – 10pm | Soul Spacing | Room 120
Performed by Cain McCallam.

8pm – 8:15pm | Bamboo Senses | Big Space
Will your senses let you in? Smoke and water, red and white, taste and touch, come to hear the bamboo sound.
Performed by Sojourner Hazelwood-Connell.

8:45pm – 9pm | Reality Check | Studio
Poetry is beautiful. Poetry is a lie.
Performed by Dominika Visy.

9pm – 9:15pm | I Did It Because I Wanted To | Studio
A patchwork of moments, an exhibition of 79 selves, a ceremony of swallowed selfishness.
Performed by Martha Pailing.

9:15pm – 10:15pm | Exposed | Big Space
Expose Yourself.
Performed by Clarissa Blake.
(Please note that this is a durational performance. Audience are invited to come and go at leisure)

Book your free tickets here: http://buytickets.at/hackneyshowroom/53037