15 March | 6.45pm (Double Bill) | 6 mins | FREE
Cherie and Yvonne work together all day every day. They have meetings, go to tea, gossip. But they don’t actually speak to each other. A day in the office where pointing your lips is enough.
A short film by Michele Austin. With: Rakie Ayola, Doreene Blackstock, Karl Collins, Ira Mandela Siobhan & Jo Martin.
We asked Michele Austin a few Qs about her film:
What can we expect from Mm-Hm?
A kick-ass almost silent comedy.
Why do you think we need Wo! show and tell festival?
Women need places to experiment, create and share. And then drink and dance.
What inspired you to make Mm-Hm?
A frustrating lack of wacky things for me to do creatively coupled with a brilliant thing that black women do with their lips.
Any advice for your fellow humans?
“Go where you are appreciated.” This is a quote from a Voice contestant. But its true isn’t it?