16 March | 6.30pm | £4
Performed sight-unseen by one brave actor, Melissa Dunne’s Eggshells is a genre-defying take on society’s complicity in the modern culture of sexual violence.
A provocative riff on sex and violence this work-in-progress has been seen in various states at the Arcola, Latitude Festival and The Assembly Festival, Edinburgh.
Performed by Christopher Tester
We asked Melissa Dunne from Papercut Theatre some Qs about her project:
What can we expect from your play?
To laugh, to feel uncomfortable, to be shocked, to laugh again, to grimace, to have a beer.
Why do you think we need Wo! show and tell festival?
Hackney is a fantastic part of London – it’s great to have somewhere local and friendly where we can have such an interesting and diverse festival.
Who/what inspired you to create your play?
Being angry about stuff. Trying to make sense of the world.
Any words of advice to your fellow humans today?
Less time complaining about stuff – more time making stuff happen. The latter is much more fun.